
How To Change Quality On Crunchyroll Ps4

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  • #i
Recently got into Attack on Titan, and so I figured I'd drib the seven bucks a month to get Crunchyroll Premium for the Hard disk streams.

All of this sounds great...if I could really watch a damn stream. I've only been able to successfully access the app i time, and this is trying on both the PS4 and Xbox One. Constantly running into server bug and whatnot.

Judge I'll have to stick to watching on the website for the time being (which kind of mitigates the 1080p stream, considering I accept a MacBook Air).

Anyone else run into these issues?

  • #2
Unfortunately, Crunchyroll is always that bad. Their apps and video thespian in full general are legitimately some of the nearly unpleasant experiences I've had trying to watch whatsoever kind of show.
  • #3
Lately, the Crunchyroll app has been very unreliable for me but I can access the service just fine through the VRV app.
  • #iv
Didn't they lay off much of their in house dev team and outsourced the remainder? Makes sense of so.
  • #5
CrunchyRoll is a pure steaming pile of turd. The app is the worst shit e'er, on all devices, and the subpar video quality is embarrassing for a paid service. Sadly they are one of the meliorate alternatives, especially for weirder stuff, but Amazon and Hulu are getting good at anime, and Netflix has its own shows although no simulcasts. But crossing fingers it shuts down at some signal... information technology'southward that bad. Funimation's app is also shit; great video quality but LOOOOL at the app they accept.

They need to upward their game, after Super is washed their numbers are going to crater.

  • #6
CrunchyRoll has always worked perfectly for me online and on the app.

Unless there was some new popular anime hitting the web (*coughing* DragonBall Super), then it'due south fucking unusable.

  • #7
The app on PS4 doesn't even load the day a new Dragonball Super episode arrogance. I always have to expect until the next twenty-four hours. Their servers are trash.
  • #8
The app on PS4 doesn't even load the twenty-four hours a new Dragonball Super episode airs. I always have to wait until the next mean solar day. Their servers are trash.

To be fair, that's non but the app. >.>
  • #9
To be fair, that's not only the app. >.>
What else is information technology?
  • #10
one. peak kek paying for it. invitee passes fo life.
2. did you restart your device ?
  • #11
CrunchyRoll is a pure steaming pile of turd. The app is the worst shit ever, on all devices, and the subpar video quality is embarrassing for a paid service.

That is what I never understood with Crunchyroll though. Their video-sizes are really pretty large, but their bitrate is really bad. Its like they dont put any try into encoding, which is strange, because usually yous attempt to accomplish small filesizes when you lot use low bitrates, and so you save bandwith, just Crunchyroll has bad bitrates and large filesizes....
  • #12
Odd, I oasis't had whatever existent problems with Crunchyroll on PS4 in quite a while, just I don't use It much outside of watching Yamato lately. It probably has more than to practice with your local CDN server than the app, but either fashion it'southward an result Crunchyroll has to work on.
Wood Man
  • #xiii
Weekends specially Saturday nights are very frustrating. During the residue of the week I don't have much of a problem.

Affair is it'south been bad since DB Super had a pretty huge episode recently. I'g guessing everyone and their mothers are trying to watch it.

Joker Code
  • #14
I use the mobile app for IOS and it works great for 99% of the time. In the other hand the PS4 app is trash.
  • #15
On my end, I used to have a lot of trouble watching Crunchyroll on my Android tablet (it would constantly buffer in the centre of shows). I finally fixed information technology by going into the settings and setting the video quality to "High" rather than "Auto", though I'g not certain why that helped.

Crunchyroll has been silky shine for me since then. That said, I'thou not at all surprised that other people are running into issues with the service.

  • #16
The Website itself kinda dies whenever DBS comes out.
  • #17
I only have issues on Saturday when DBS drops.
  • #18
Information technology'southward better than the shitshow Twitch app for me at least
  • #19
Yeah, it's ever been trash, on PS4 at least. I unsubscribed a while ago because I felt like a dumbass paying for such subpar video quality.
  • #twenty
Other than their servers ever shitting the bed on Saturday whenever DBS drops, information technology'southward usually pretty solid for me. I just utilize the website, though.
  • #21
The Crunchyroll app has some actually bad UX going on likewise. The Funimation app used to be only as bad if not worse, merely they updated it not too long ago (all the same not cracking though).
  • #22
.. Might past your connection OP, the only fourth dimension CR's app and site shits the bed is when the latest DBS episode arrogance. Gets this bs
  • #23
I had problems with Crunchyroll. The app kept saying at that place was no internet connection. I read that rebooting your modem can ready it. It did! There is some weirdness with their server'southward anti DDOS protection. Getting a new IP is a workaround.

Otherwise the service has been fine. I only had to refresh my IP once. The tv app and Apple TV app work well.

  • #24
I rarely have problems with Crunchyroll except when Super comes out and traffic crashes the site. That said, if you're having trouble with Crunchyroll's own app, maybe attempt linking your business relationship to VRV so watching their stuff through that app instead? Since One Piece was recently added to VRV, I'1000 pretty sure at that place are no longer whatsoever notable gaps in their library of crunchyroll content
  • #25
I stick to the website considering the PS4 app has been a trainwreck for me, iPhone app seems to piece of work fine also, but the small screen doesn't do it for me.
  • #26
Have you tried using VRV? Because if you VRV contact Crunchyroll'southward Technical VRV team, they will likely VRV recommended you use the VRV app instead?
  • #27
Everyone recall when the PS3 app was a pile of glitchy garbage?
Recall when they kept repeating over and over again that it'll be fixed?
Remember when they didn't even goddamn effort until it was discontinued because the PS4 was simply released?
I remember.
  • #28
I've never had any problems with the PS4 app. Works amend than Netflix sometimes.
  • #29
Information technology rarely works for me on my laptop and PS4 but usually works for me on my phone. I will probably unsubscribe shortly though. It is not very convenient for me anymore.
  • #30
I've been using information technology on a regular footing for a couple months now, and I've just had issues whenever the new Super episode came out.

I'm a mobile/ps4 user.

  • #31
I promise that Funimation app gets meliorate on PS4 at present that Sony owns Funimation.
  • #32
Never have any issues on iOS.
  • #33
Crunchyroll may be crap, but then you lot gotta look at the alternatives:


(I alive in South America)

  • #34
I swear it's gotten worse.
  • #35
Crunchyroll'due south app has always been awful. Was glad I no longer had to utilise information technology for much once I subbed to VRV every bit VRV's app, while not perfect, is still miles ameliorate than Crunchyroll'south ever was.
  • #36
It's been a calendar month since I've been able to utilise Crunchyroll. I have the app for the Wii U, but when I try to use it, it says that it could not connect to the server. I'grand not sure how to fix it on the Wii U.

(As an aside, always since we got faster internet, the Wii U Youtube app keeps crashing. I wonder if it is related?)

  • #37
My just issue on PS4 has always been that their shows always expect extremely washed out compared to other sources.
  • #38
Link your account to a VRV account and relish a much better experience.

The app is a lot amend, and you don't demand a battery draining wink player to watch on PC.

  • #39
That'south more of a scalability effect with their servers/CDN.
  • #40
I stumbled across a Crunchyroll video the other day and it wanted me to install Wink. I idea information technology was 2018 not 2008.
  • #41
I stumbled beyond a Crunchyroll video the other day and it wanted me to install Flash. I thought it was 2018 not 2008.

Yep, embarrassing is what is information technology.
  • #42
Ugh, don't get me started... I use the Android app all the time to cast videos to my TV and it is truly awful. In that location's just and so many petty bugs and annoyances like app crashes, random buffering, chromecast disconnects, or the site being downwardly due to traffic.

More than that, I'm frustrated considering I want at that place to be a great legal anime streaming app exactly like Crunchyroll, but they literally make the case for piracy past having such an awful video player and supporting apps. Information technology'south 2018, anime is huge, can somebody please step in and practise this shit properly?

  • #43
More than that, I'm frustrated because I want at that place to be a great legal anime streaming app exactly like Crunchyroll, but they literally make the case for piracy by having such an atrocious video player and supporting apps. It's 2018, anime is huge, can somebody please footstep in and do this shit properly?

Like I said, it doesnt even make sense because they use depression bitrate, but actually take filesizes far besides large for such a depression bitrate. If they would encode their releases well, they can relieve on bandwith and offer far better bitrates.

I actually wonder if they just just apply a standard encoding software without manually encoding the videos...

Information technology'southward 2018, anime is huge, can somebody delight step in and do this shit properly?

Funimation streams are ordinarily fine. The bodily video files are well encoded, but they dont have the selection that Crunchyroll has.

It is actually a bit distressing to see the state of it. Before you had fansubs (that funny enough Crunchyroll "stole" and streamed illegally) which actually used good japanese RAW files.

  • #44
For some reason I thought the VRV app was inferior.

Merely if Crunchyroll has problems when Super goes up, doesn't the VRV app have the same bug?

  • #45
Crunchyroll is the only app that manages to crash on my PS3 and PS4. And yeah, every bit others have said, the video quality isn't great anyway.
  • #46
For some reason I thought the VRV app was inferior.

Only if Crunchyroll has problems when Super goes upwards, doesn't the VRV app take the same problems?

Surprisingly no. The content is still there, it's simply in that location's so many people accessing the website at one time when Super drops, that it crashes the site.
  • #47
It'due south always been shit and they let go of their in house developers a while ago and started outsourcing. I wouldn't anticipate it getting significantly amend in the way you desire anytime soon.
  • #48
Yea it's garbage. Only seems to work well for me on my PS4. Constantly run into buffer issues when I'g on my tablet.

Pretty well defenseless up on everything I was watching and so I'k thinking of dropping it for a flake and coming dorsum later on.

  • #49
Yeah Crunchyroll turned me towards piracy. I watch on iOS a lot and the experience is abysmal. I'll still employ it on PS4 when I'm watching casually, but never on my phone or tablet. The abiding depression budget local ads that echo every single break was but besides much on iOS. Don't know if that'southward a problem for anyone else.
  • #50
How does this stuff with VRV work? Exercise I need two subscriptions to watch Crunchyroll stuff on VRV?


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